Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Big Foot Found or Big Foot Hoax?

Browsing through Google Trends today, I noticed one of the top searches was 'Big Foot Found'. The photo of the preserved bigfoot is not very impressive, I've seen this type of "big foot" costumes before, the flat rubbery face is a dead give away. The news and photos seem to come from (if you go there now, you'll get redirected to a completely irrelevant site full of ads). If you do a whois search on that domain name, you'll find that it's owned by a domain squatter, a Houston based company that describes itself as "a next-generation Internet media company that acquires, develops and monetizes high-quality domain names and web properties." Sounds like an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) trick to increase traffic and more importantly get gullible people to link in to the site and increase its pagerank.

Look up Tom Biscardi Bigfoot scam for more insight.

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